Join Barcelona! the ReUnion II

Flamenco, jazz, 5 litros de vodka polaco, absenta en la Marsellesa, Razz, Durum, uñas rojas, Gaudí... y muchas muchas risas.
Es revivir el Erasmus por segunda vez.
Se os quiere y se os echa de menos!

Flamenco, jazz, 5 liters of polish vodka, Durum, Razzmatazz, absinth in la Marselleise, red nails, Gaudi and a lot of laughs.
Is Erasmus second attempt.
Thank you,
love you so much!

Join Barcelona! the ReUnion!

Lo que sentí al volver a veros ... como si nunca nos hubieramos separado. Mañana más, no podia esperar en hacer público este reencuentro, y he colgado las fotos de Álvaro, pero tan pronto como pueda cuelgo las mías. Que son muchas, pero la ocasión lo merece, y Barcelona también. Empiezo a contar días para el próximo reencuentro. Se os quiere y se os hecha de menos.

How I felt when I saw you again was... like if we never have been appart.
Tomorrow more, I couldn't wait to make public this reunion, so I used some Alvaro's pictures, but as soon as I can I'll upload mine that are a lot, because the ocasion requires it, and Barcelona too.
Cannot wait to see you again! I love you and I miss you all!

Do you remember when...?

I just had to see it again...


Sweet days in Copenhagen uh? ... sweet memories of my the area I was living in. I miss Norrebro parties, Norrebro cycling, Norrebro revolutions!
Luckily soon, in the Barcelona meeting (8th November) I'll see again some people who was part of this Norrebro feelings.
Vi ses snart!

esto es un atraco


Una secta religiosa ha robado mi dirección de página web, no se cómo ha pasado pero ya leí sobre este tipo de casos.
El hecho es que al pinchar el link de mi otro blog, aparece la página de un grupo religioso.

No puedo canviar la dirección porque perdería toda la información o sea que lo único que puedo pediros es que intentéis una y otra vez pinchando el link hasta que aparezca mi página ( a veces funciona, a veces aparece sin más)
Quieren abducir a mis amigos, a los que visitan mi blog para convertirlos en sectarios.
No relacionéis esa página conmigo, no tiene nada que ver!

A fanatic religious group has stolen my website adress, I don't know how it happens but I already saw information about this kind of robberies in the news.
The fact is that when you click on the link of my other blog, the site of the religious group appears.
I cannot change the adress because I would lose all the information I already posted. The only thing I can tell you to do is try once again clicking on the link until my real page shows up. Sometimes it works, otherwise you can write again the adress... Hope it will work.

They stole me to make me do advertisemet about them without knowing... they want all my friends, the ones who visit my blog, to become fanatic like them.
Please don't relate me with this page!

Goodbye Denmark, goodbye blog

It's time to make a restyling. Erasmus is over, so to keep on posting in this blog makes no sense.
It's time for new experiences, that you'll see in the new blog.
I welcome you to discover but of course you can go on visiting the old blog, because I'm not gonna close it.

Enjoy it!

freak show II (Denmark second attempt)

Let's have a freak night my friends, let's go to Christiania!!
Christiania is wonderland. There, all is possible.
My last night I wanted to feel like Alice, and I wanted my life to become a circus.
In Copenhagen that is possible, but like Peter Pan when he grew, people sometimes regret about the the fantasy and imagination... they think it is only for the children.
Only in one place of Copenhagen people are still Peter Pans, people don't want to grow there and they want to be happy in their own wonderland.
The other non- Peter Pan people of Denmark want to destroy Wonderland. Because they are scared of dreaming. They are scared of going back to the childhood and let the mind imagine that a different world is possible.
If they are scared is because they are unhappy and they forgot how to dream. But this freak show was only for the adult Peter Pans. Forbudt for born. Because children already know how to dream. The adults sometimes forget. That's why Christiania exist.
Christiania can bring you back to the childhood. Christiania can change your life.
Let's fight for this dreams. Bevar Christiania!!
I hope it will always resist.

Mi última noche quería sentirme como Alicia, y quería que mi vida fuera un circo y lo conseguí en Copenhagen. Pero como Peter Pan cuado creció, hay gente que reniega de su fantasía e imaginación… Ellos creen que eso es solo para niños.
Solo en un lugar de Copenhagen la gente son todavía Peter Pan, la gente ni quiere crecer y sólo quieren ser felices en su país de las maravillas particular.
Los No Peter Panes de Dinamarca quieren destruir ese país de las maravillas.
Porque les asusta soñar, porque les asusta volver a la infancia e imaginar que otro mundo es posible.
Si les asusta ser adultos es porque no son felices y porque olvidaron como soñar. Pero ese freak show era solo para adultos, prohibido para niños. Porque los niños ya saben soñar, somos los adultos los que a veces olvidamos. Por eso esta Christiania.
Christiania puede cambiar tu vida.
Luchemos por nuestros sueños. Que viva Christiania!
Espero que siempre resista.